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Home > Toys > Sensory toys > Lamaze Lamaze My First Fish Bowl
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Send your baby on an under-the-sea adventure of colours and patterns with the Lamaze My First Fish Bowl. A creative version of the put-in, take-out concept, this fun fish bowl includes four sea creatures that each make a different sound - crinkle, rattle, jingle, or squeak! These easy-to-grasp creatures help develop hand-eye coordination and are full of textures for baby to explore.

- An under the sea adventure of colors and patterns
- Soft sea creatures full of textures and sounds to explore
- Helps baby develop dexterity and hand eye coordination
- Self storing, making it easy for on-the-go play
- Easy to grasp creatures make put-in take-out play fun !
- For 6 months+


LamazeLamaze My First Fish Bowl


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Send your baby on an under-the-sea adventure of colours and patterns with the Lamaze My First Fish Bowl. A creative version of the put-in, take-out concept, this fun fish bowl includes four sea creatures that each make a different sound - crinkle, rattle, jingle, or squeak! These easy-to-grasp creatures help develop hand-eye coordination and are full of textures for baby to explore.

- An under the sea adventure of colors and patterns
- Soft sea creatures full of textures and sounds to explore
- Helps baby develop dexterity and hand eye coordination
- Self storing, making it easy for on-the-go play
- Easy to grasp creatures make put-in take-out play fun !
- For 6 months+


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