- 100%純天然五類六種靈芝
- 提升紅血球帶氧量,增強活力、抗氧力
- 提升免疫力及抗病力
- 補益心、肝、脾、肺、腎五臟
- 寧神安眠,提升睡眠質素
- 90分鐘提升抗氧化能力,抗衰老,保持肌膚亮澤
- 具雙向免疫調節能力,紓緩免疫系統不適症狀
- 減低三高威脅, 紓緩多種過敏症狀
- 工作忙、休息不足、壓力大的上班族
- 精神差、體力下降、疲倦乏力
- 氣血不佳,面色暗黃、肌膚質素下降
- 睡眠質素差,難以入睡
- 容易生病,抵抗力弱
- 免疫系統失衡
- 常有鼻敏、咳喘、皮膚過敏等
- 關注三高及危疾人士
- 保健 – 每天1至2粒
- 助療 – 每天3至5粒
- 100% natural five types and six kinds of Ganoderma lucidum
- Increase the oxygen content of red blood cells, enhance vitality and antioxidant capacity
- Enhance immunity and disease resistance
- Replenish the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys
- Calm the mind Sleep peacefully and improve sleep quality
- 90 minutes to increase antioxidant capacity, anti-aging, and keep skin radiant
- Has two-way immune regulation ability, relieves symptoms of immune system discomfort
- Reduces the threat of three highs and relieves various allergic symptoms
100% natural wild Ganoderma lucidum
Suitable for people
- Office workers who are busy with work, lack of rest, and are under great stress
- Poor energy, reduced physical strength, and fatigue
- Poor blood and qi, dark complexion, and reduced skin quality
- Poor sleep quality and difficulty falling asleep
- Easily sick and weak in immunity
- Immune system imbalance
- often suffer from allergic rhinitis, cough and asthma, skin allergies, etc.
- Pay attention to people with high blood pressure and critical illness
Five-color Ganoderma lucidum is safe and reliable and can be used by men, women, old and young.
- Health care – 1 to 2 capsules per day
- Treatment aid – 3 to 5 capsules per day
- 100%純天然五類六種靈芝
- 提升紅血球帶氧量,增強活力、抗氧力
- 提升免疫力及抗病力
- 補益心、肝、脾、肺、腎五臟
- 寧神安眠,提升睡眠質素
- 90分鐘提升抗氧化能力,抗衰老,保持肌膚亮澤
- 具雙向免疫調節能力,紓緩免疫系統不適症狀
- 減低三高威脅, 紓緩多種過敏症狀
- 工作忙、休息不足、壓力大的上班族
- 精神差、體力下降、疲倦乏力
- 氣血不佳,面色暗黃、肌膚質素下降
- 睡眠質素差,難以入睡
- 容易生病,抵抗力弱
- 免疫系統失衡
- 常有鼻敏、咳喘、皮膚過敏等
- 關注三高及危疾人士
- 保健 – 每天1至2粒
- 助療 – 每天3至5粒
- 100% natural five types and six kinds of Ganoderma lucidum
- Increase the oxygen content of red blood cells, enhance vitality and antioxidant capacity
- Enhance immunity and disease resistance
- Replenish the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys
- Calm the mind Sleep peacefully and improve sleep quality
- 90 minutes to increase antioxidant capacity, anti-aging, and keep skin radiant
- Has two-way immune regulation ability, relieves symptoms of immune system discomfort
- Reduces the threat of three highs and relieves various allergic symptoms
100% natural wild Ganoderma lucidum
Suitable for people
- Office workers who are busy with work, lack of rest, and are under great stress
- Poor energy, reduced physical strength, and fatigue
- Poor blood and qi, dark complexion, and reduced skin quality
- Poor sleep quality and difficulty falling asleep
- Easily sick and weak in immunity
- Immune system imbalance
- often suffer from allergic rhinitis, cough and asthma, skin allergies, etc.
- Pay attention to people with high blood pressure and critical illness
Five-color Ganoderma lucidum is safe and reliable and can be used by men, women, old and young.
- Health care – 1 to 2 capsules per day
- Treatment aid – 3 to 5 capsules per day