每天早上面對鏡子時,我們都希望看到鏡子裡的光彩照人。 Swisse Beauty 膠原蛋白發光軟糖經過精心設計,可為您帶來充滿活力的膚色,並從內部滋養您的肌膚。每個美味的軟糖都含有水解膠原蛋白和抗氧化劑。這些軟糖含有維生素 C 和 E,有助於防止自由基造成的傷害,保持明亮、年輕的膚色。維生素 C 還支持膠原蛋白的生成和皮膚健康,保持皮膚彈性和緊緻度。我們的優質配方 99.9% 無糖,旨在讓您的肌膚煥發光彩。 Swisse Beauty 膠原蛋白發光軟糖是您的日常美容劑量,以方便美味的形式提供皮膚支持的營養物質。
- 維生素 C 可支持皮膚彈性、緊緻度和膠原蛋白生成
- 含有葡萄籽萃取物,抗氧化劑的來源
- 99% 無糖,讓您無罪惡感地盡情享受
- 方便又美味的方式來支持容光煥發的肌膚
水解膠原蛋白 833.3 毫克;維生素C(抗壞血酸)16.67毫克;維生素 E(dl-α-生育醇乙酸酯)2.5 毫克;葡萄籽(葡萄萃取物 3 毫克)當量乾燥種子 360 毫克
每天咀嚼 3 顆軟糖,飯中或飯後立即咀嚼,或按照醫療保健專業人員的指示。不要整個吞下。
- 維生素補充劑不應取代均衡飲食。
- 該藥物每日最大劑量含有 2.74 克麥芽糖醇,可能具有輕瀉作用或引起腹瀉。
- 含有亞硫酸鹽。
- 這種藥可能不適合您。購買前請務必閱讀標籤和任何警告。請遵循使用說明。如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。只有當膳食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助。
儲存在低於 25°C 的陰涼乾燥處,遠離直接熱源。若蓋子密封破損,請勿使用。
Facing the mirror each morning, we all desire a reflection that radiates. Swisse Beauty Collagen Glow Gummies are crafted to bring that vibrant complexion to life and to nourish your skin from within. Each delicious gummy contains hydrolysed collagen and antioxidants. These gummies contain vitamins C and E which help prevent damage caused by free radicals, supporting a bright, youthful complexion. Vitamin C also supports collagen production and skin health, maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Our premium formula is 99.9% sugar-free and designed to support your skin's glow. Swisse Beauty Collagen Glow Gummies are your daily dose of beauty, delivering skin-supporting nutrients in a convenient and tasty form.
- Vitamin C supports skin elasticity, firmness, and collagen production
- Contains Grape Seed extract, a source of antioxidants
- 99% sugar-free for guilt-free indulgence
- Convenient and delicious way to support glowing skin
Each gummy (pastille) contains:
Hydrolysed Collagen 833.3 mg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 16.67 mg; Vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) 2.5 mg; Grape Seed (Vitis vinifera extract 3 mg) equiv. dry seed 360 mg
Allergen Information
Contains sulfites.
Adult Dosage:
Chew 3 gummies daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not swallow whole.
- Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
- This medicine contains 2.74 g maltitol per maximum daily dose and may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea.
- Contains sulfites.
- This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Store below 25°C in a cool, dry place away from direct heat. Do not use if cap seal is broken.
Original Price
每天早上面對鏡子時,我們都希望看到鏡子裡的光彩照人。 Swisse Beauty 膠原蛋白發光軟糖經過精心設計,可為您帶來充滿活力的膚色,並從內部滋養您的肌膚。每個美味的軟糖都含有水解膠原蛋白和抗氧化劑。這些軟糖含有維生素 C 和 E,有助於防止自由基造成的傷害,保持明亮、年輕的膚色。維生素 C 還支持膠原蛋白的生成和皮膚健康,保持皮膚彈性和緊緻度。我們的優質配方 99.9% 無糖,旨在讓您的肌膚煥發光彩。 Swisse Beauty 膠原蛋白發光軟糖是您的日常美容劑量,以方便美味的形式提供皮膚支持的營養物質。
- 維生素 C 可支持皮膚彈性、緊緻度和膠原蛋白生成
- 含有葡萄籽萃取物,抗氧化劑的來源
- 99% 無糖,讓您無罪惡感地盡情享受
- 方便又美味的方式來支持容光煥發的肌膚
水解膠原蛋白 833.3 毫克;維生素C(抗壞血酸)16.67毫克;維生素 E(dl-α-生育醇乙酸酯)2.5 毫克;葡萄籽(葡萄萃取物 3 毫克)當量乾燥種子 360 毫克
每天咀嚼 3 顆軟糖,飯中或飯後立即咀嚼,或按照醫療保健專業人員的指示。不要整個吞下。
- 維生素補充劑不應取代均衡飲食。
- 該藥物每日最大劑量含有 2.74 克麥芽糖醇,可能具有輕瀉作用或引起腹瀉。
- 含有亞硫酸鹽。
- 這種藥可能不適合您。購買前請務必閱讀標籤和任何警告。請遵循使用說明。如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。只有當膳食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助。
儲存在低於 25°C 的陰涼乾燥處,遠離直接熱源。若蓋子密封破損,請勿使用。
Facing the mirror each morning, we all desire a reflection that radiates. Swisse Beauty Collagen Glow Gummies are crafted to bring that vibrant complexion to life and to nourish your skin from within. Each delicious gummy contains hydrolysed collagen and antioxidants. These gummies contain vitamins C and E which help prevent damage caused by free radicals, supporting a bright, youthful complexion. Vitamin C also supports collagen production and skin health, maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Our premium formula is 99.9% sugar-free and designed to support your skin's glow. Swisse Beauty Collagen Glow Gummies are your daily dose of beauty, delivering skin-supporting nutrients in a convenient and tasty form.
- Vitamin C supports skin elasticity, firmness, and collagen production
- Contains Grape Seed extract, a source of antioxidants
- 99% sugar-free for guilt-free indulgence
- Convenient and delicious way to support glowing skin
Each gummy (pastille) contains:
Hydrolysed Collagen 833.3 mg; Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 16.67 mg; Vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate) 2.5 mg; Grape Seed (Vitis vinifera extract 3 mg) equiv. dry seed 360 mg
Allergen Information
Contains sulfites.
Adult Dosage:
Chew 3 gummies daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not swallow whole.
- Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
- This medicine contains 2.74 g maltitol per maximum daily dose and may have a laxative effect or cause diarrhoea.
- Contains sulfites.
- This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Store below 25°C in a cool, dry place away from direct heat. Do not use if cap seal is broken.