Urgent-C 日常免疫支持以單獨的粉袋形式提供,可製成美味的橙味泡騰飲料,也可以直接灑入口中服用,帶來橙子果子露爆裂的感覺。
它專為持續日常使用而設計,含有 50 億個 Lab4 友善細菌、益生元纖維和 1000 毫克維生素 C,以及維生素 D、鋅、硒和 β-葡聚醣,可提供全面的免疫支持。
Urgent-C 日常免疫支持 是一種美味的橙味泡騰飲料,也可以直接噴入口中服用,帶來橙子果子露爆裂的感覺。
Urgent-C 日常免疫支援專為持續日常使用而設計, 含有 1000 毫克維生素 C、維生素 D、鋅、硒和 β-葡聚醣,可提供全面的免疫支持。
它的獨特之處還在於含有 50 億種經過廣泛研究的 Lab4 友善細菌,這些細菌構成了人類腸道微生物群的天然組成部分。
Urgent-C 日常免疫支持可用作長期的日常免疫支持 – 每天只需一杯美味飲料。
- 作為食品補充劑,將一袋溶解到一小杯冷水或果汁中即可享用。
- 或者,直接放入口中即可享受橘色的刺痛感。務必在飯前或飯後服用。
- 如果需要,每天可以服用兩包 - 請注意如果服用兩包,所有營養成分都會增加。
- 存放在陰涼、乾燥的地方—不需要冷藏
- 適合懷孕期間
- 始終與食物一起服用
Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support is provided in individual powder sachets that make a delicious orange-flavoured effervescent drink or can be taken by sprinkling directly into the mouth, to give a sherbet orange burst sensation.
Designed for ongoing daily use, it contains 5 billion Lab4 friendly bacteria, prebiotic fibre and 1000mg of vitamin C, along with vitamin D, zinc, selenium and beta-glucans to provide comprehensive immune support.
Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support is a delicious orange-flavoured effervescent drink that can also be taken by sprinkling directly into the mouth, to give a sherbet orange burst sensation.
Designed for ongoing daily use, Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support contains 1000mg of vitamin C, along with vitamin D, zinc, selenium and beta-glucans to provide comprehensive immune support.
It is also unique in containing 5 billion of the extensively studied Lab4 friendly bacteria, which form a natural part of the human intestinal microbiome.
Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support can be used as long-term daily support for immunity – just one delicious drink every day.
Daily Intake
- As a food supplement, dissolve one sachet into a small glass of cold water or juice and enjoy.
- Alternatively, just take directly into the mouth for that tingly orange burst sensation. Always take just before or just after a meal.
- If required, two sachets can be taken per day - please be aware of the increase in all nutrients if taking two sachets.
- Store in a cool, dry place – does not require refrigeration
- Suitable during pregnancy
- Always take alongside food
Original Price
Urgent-C 日常免疫支持以單獨的粉袋形式提供,可製成美味的橙味泡騰飲料,也可以直接灑入口中服用,帶來橙子果子露爆裂的感覺。
它專為持續日常使用而設計,含有 50 億個 Lab4 友善細菌、益生元纖維和 1000 毫克維生素 C,以及維生素 D、鋅、硒和 β-葡聚醣,可提供全面的免疫支持。
Urgent-C 日常免疫支持 是一種美味的橙味泡騰飲料,也可以直接噴入口中服用,帶來橙子果子露爆裂的感覺。
Urgent-C 日常免疫支援專為持續日常使用而設計, 含有 1000 毫克維生素 C、維生素 D、鋅、硒和 β-葡聚醣,可提供全面的免疫支持。
它的獨特之處還在於含有 50 億種經過廣泛研究的 Lab4 友善細菌,這些細菌構成了人類腸道微生物群的天然組成部分。
Urgent-C 日常免疫支持可用作長期的日常免疫支持 – 每天只需一杯美味飲料。
- 作為食品補充劑,將一袋溶解到一小杯冷水或果汁中即可享用。
- 或者,直接放入口中即可享受橘色的刺痛感。務必在飯前或飯後服用。
- 如果需要,每天可以服用兩包 - 請注意如果服用兩包,所有營養成分都會增加。
- 存放在陰涼、乾燥的地方—不需要冷藏
- 適合懷孕期間
- 始終與食物一起服用
Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support is provided in individual powder sachets that make a delicious orange-flavoured effervescent drink or can be taken by sprinkling directly into the mouth, to give a sherbet orange burst sensation.
Designed for ongoing daily use, it contains 5 billion Lab4 friendly bacteria, prebiotic fibre and 1000mg of vitamin C, along with vitamin D, zinc, selenium and beta-glucans to provide comprehensive immune support.
Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support is a delicious orange-flavoured effervescent drink that can also be taken by sprinkling directly into the mouth, to give a sherbet orange burst sensation.
Designed for ongoing daily use, Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support contains 1000mg of vitamin C, along with vitamin D, zinc, selenium and beta-glucans to provide comprehensive immune support.
It is also unique in containing 5 billion of the extensively studied Lab4 friendly bacteria, which form a natural part of the human intestinal microbiome.
Urgent-C Everyday Immune Support can be used as long-term daily support for immunity – just one delicious drink every day.
Daily Intake
- As a food supplement, dissolve one sachet into a small glass of cold water or juice and enjoy.
- Alternatively, just take directly into the mouth for that tingly orange burst sensation. Always take just before or just after a meal.
- If required, two sachets can be taken per day - please be aware of the increase in all nutrients if taking two sachets.
- Store in a cool, dry place – does not require refrigeration
- Suitable during pregnancy
- Always take alongside food