使用 Aleva Naturals 泡沫私密洗液溫和地清潔和清新您的私密部位。這款專為女性配製的女性洗液的 pH 值適合您的私密部位。這款私密洗液具有防過敏作用,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、鄰苯二甲酸鹽、硫酸鹽和染料。與所有 Aleva Naturals 產品一樣,泡沫私密洗液採用優質成分製成,因此您可以享受不含刺激性化學物質或添加劑的安全產品。專為女性配製。
- 女性清潔舒緩私密洗液
- 泡沫洗面乳,讓敏感肌膚煥然一新
- pH 平衡配方
- 採用植物成分製成
- 富含金縷梅與天然茶樹油
- 對女性來說
- 加拿大製造
- 垂直握住瓶子並按下泵浦以獲取一定劑量的泡棉。
- 塗抹並輕輕按摩。
- 徹底沖洗。
Gently cleanse and refresh your intimate area with Aleva Naturals Foaming Intimate Wash. Enriched with a blend of Organic Witch Hazel and Natural Tea Tree Oil, this wash helps to cleanse & soothe very sensitive skin. This specially formulated feminine wash for women is pH balanced for your intimate area. This intimate wash is hypoallergenic, free of parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and dyes. Like all Aleva Naturals products, the foaming intimate wash is made with premium quality ingredients, so you can enjoy a safe product without harsh chemicals or additives. Formulated for women.
- Cleansing & soothing intimate wash for women
- Foaming wash that refreshes very sensitive skin
- pH Balanced formula
- Made with plant-based ingredients
- Enriched with Witch Hazel & Natural Tea Tree Oil
- For women
- Made in Canada
How to Use?
- Hold the bottle vertically and press pump to obtain a dose of foam.
- Apply & gently massage.
- Rinse thoroughly.
【New Arrival】 女性護理清洗泡沫
Original Price
使用 Aleva Naturals 泡沫私密洗液溫和地清潔和清新您的私密部位。這款專為女性配製的女性洗液的 pH 值適合您的私密部位。這款私密洗液具有防過敏作用,不含對羥基苯甲酸酯、鄰苯二甲酸鹽、硫酸鹽和染料。與所有 Aleva Naturals 產品一樣,泡沫私密洗液採用優質成分製成,因此您可以享受不含刺激性化學物質或添加劑的安全產品。專為女性配製。
- 女性清潔舒緩私密洗液
- 泡沫洗面乳,讓敏感肌膚煥然一新
- pH 平衡配方
- 採用植物成分製成
- 富含金縷梅與天然茶樹油
- 對女性來說
- 加拿大製造
- 垂直握住瓶子並按下泵浦以獲取一定劑量的泡棉。
- 塗抹並輕輕按摩。
- 徹底沖洗。
Gently cleanse and refresh your intimate area with Aleva Naturals Foaming Intimate Wash. Enriched with a blend of Organic Witch Hazel and Natural Tea Tree Oil, this wash helps to cleanse & soothe very sensitive skin. This specially formulated feminine wash for women is pH balanced for your intimate area. This intimate wash is hypoallergenic, free of parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and dyes. Like all Aleva Naturals products, the foaming intimate wash is made with premium quality ingredients, so you can enjoy a safe product without harsh chemicals or additives. Formulated for women.
- Cleansing & soothing intimate wash for women
- Foaming wash that refreshes very sensitive skin
- pH Balanced formula
- Made with plant-based ingredients
- Enriched with Witch Hazel & Natural Tea Tree Oil
- For women
- Made in Canada
How to Use?
- Hold the bottle vertically and press pump to obtain a dose of foam.
- Apply & gently massage.
- Rinse thoroughly.