配有獨特的「Anti-Colic Air System防脹氣自動排氣系統」設計,有效防止寶寶吸入過多的空氣所造成的脹氣不適或腹痛
NUK 迪士尼小熊維尼 Perfect Match 嬰兒奶瓶,帶柔軟矽膠奶嘴,260 毫升,適用於 3 個月以上嬰兒,不含 BPA,防脹氣,帶溫度控制,米色
- 適合您的寶寶-特別靈活柔軟的奶嘴。 98% 的寶寶接受*
- • 平滑的錐形具有防脹氣功能 - 可讓您平靜而輕鬆地喝水,尺寸 M(3 個月以上,適用於配方奶粉)
- 寬大的唇托-寶寶喝水時感覺就像皮膚一樣
- 96% 的助產士推薦 NUK Perfect Match 奶瓶**,配有專利溫度控制指示器,不含 BPA,容量為 260 毫升
- 可與所有 NUK Perfect Match 和 NUK Soft&Easy 吸乳器配件結合使用
NUK 系列中的小熊維尼和他的朋友們
歡快的小熊維尼,這隻永遠受歡迎的熊,現在以溫馨的設計裝飾著 NUK 系列。他的朋友 Tigger 陪伴他踏上了探索 NUK 產品世界的激動人心的旅程。憑藉著勇氣、好奇心以及最重要的友誼,小熊維尼和他的朋友們完成了每一次激動人心的冒險。立即探索系列!
NUK Disney Winnie Pooh Perfect Match Baby Bottle, with soft silicone teat, 260 ml, from 3 months, BPA-free, Anti-Colic, with Temperature Control, beige
- Adapts to your baby - particularly flexible and soft teat. Accepted by 98% of the babies*
- • Smoothly tapering shape with anti-colic function – for a calm and relaxed drinking flow, size M (from 3 months, for formula)
- Large, wide lip rest- feels like skin to your baby when drinking
- 96% of midwives recommend the NUK Perfect Match bottle**, with patented Temperature Control indicator, BPA-free, 260 ml content
- Can be combined with all NUK Perfect Match and NUK Soft&Easy breast pumps accessories
Winnie the Pooh and his friends in the NUK range
The cheerful Winnie the Pooh, the ever-popular bear, now adorns the NUK range with heart-warming designs. His friend Tigger accompanies him on his exciting journey into the NUK product world. With courage, curiosity and above all friendship Winnie the Pooh and his friends master every exciting adventure. Discover the collection now!
Colour/design may vary
【New Arrival】 Perfect Match超柔母感迪士尼小熊維尼260mL PP奶瓶連矽膠奶嘴中碼
Original Price
配有獨特的「Anti-Colic Air System防脹氣自動排氣系統」設計,有效防止寶寶吸入過多的空氣所造成的脹氣不適或腹痛
NUK 迪士尼小熊維尼 Perfect Match 嬰兒奶瓶,帶柔軟矽膠奶嘴,260 毫升,適用於 3 個月以上嬰兒,不含 BPA,防脹氣,帶溫度控制,米色
- 適合您的寶寶-特別靈活柔軟的奶嘴。 98% 的寶寶接受*
- • 平滑的錐形具有防脹氣功能 - 可讓您平靜而輕鬆地喝水,尺寸 M(3 個月以上,適用於配方奶粉)
- 寬大的唇托-寶寶喝水時感覺就像皮膚一樣
- 96% 的助產士推薦 NUK Perfect Match 奶瓶**,配有專利溫度控制指示器,不含 BPA,容量為 260 毫升
- 可與所有 NUK Perfect Match 和 NUK Soft&Easy 吸乳器配件結合使用
NUK 系列中的小熊維尼和他的朋友們
歡快的小熊維尼,這隻永遠受歡迎的熊,現在以溫馨的設計裝飾著 NUK 系列。他的朋友 Tigger 陪伴他踏上了探索 NUK 產品世界的激動人心的旅程。憑藉著勇氣、好奇心以及最重要的友誼,小熊維尼和他的朋友們完成了每一次激動人心的冒險。立即探索系列!
NUK Disney Winnie Pooh Perfect Match Baby Bottle, with soft silicone teat, 260 ml, from 3 months, BPA-free, Anti-Colic, with Temperature Control, beige
- Adapts to your baby - particularly flexible and soft teat. Accepted by 98% of the babies*
- • Smoothly tapering shape with anti-colic function – for a calm and relaxed drinking flow, size M (from 3 months, for formula)
- Large, wide lip rest- feels like skin to your baby when drinking
- 96% of midwives recommend the NUK Perfect Match bottle**, with patented Temperature Control indicator, BPA-free, 260 ml content
- Can be combined with all NUK Perfect Match and NUK Soft&Easy breast pumps accessories
Winnie the Pooh and his friends in the NUK range
The cheerful Winnie the Pooh, the ever-popular bear, now adorns the NUK range with heart-warming designs. His friend Tigger accompanies him on his exciting journey into the NUK product world. With courage, curiosity and above all friendship Winnie the Pooh and his friends master every exciting adventure. Discover the collection now!
Colour/design may vary