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- 適合出生到 3 歲(15 公斤)
- 輕的
- 緊湊折疊
- 內建手柄,更加方便攜帶
- 多位置傾斜,可平躺
- 大型遮篷可抵禦惡劣天氣
- Suitable from birth to 3 years (15kg)
- Lightweight
- Compact folding
- Built in carry handle for added ease
- Multi-position recline with lie flat option
- Large canopy to protect from the elements
- 適合出生到 3 歲(15 公斤)
- 輕的
- 緊湊折疊
- 內建手柄,更加方便攜帶
- 多位置傾斜,可平躺
- 大型遮篷可抵禦惡劣天氣
- Suitable from birth to 3 years (15kg)
- Lightweight
- Compact folding
- Built in carry handle for added ease
- Multi-position recline with lie flat option
- Large canopy to protect from the elements