由 Dr. Nigel Plummer 創立及監督的 Cultech 是歐洲唯一達到醫藥級水平的益生菌製造商。ProVen 益生菌經過專利技術處理,確保活性質素及開封後無須冷藏。英國 MHRA 安管局認証。
英國 MHRA 安管局認証 - 史雲斯大學醫學院特別進行 “孕婦安全性” 的臨床測試,實證顯示專利 ProVen 益生菌非常安全,確保適合孕婦服用。
ProVen Pregnancy Probiotics
懷孕期間的心情及荷爾蒙轉變、缺乏運動和低纖的飲食習慣,都可能是導致便秘的因素。要促進腸道健康,應多喝足夠水分、多進食高纖食物 (蔬菜、水果)及輕量運動,以幫助腸道蠕動。除此之外,科學証明補充身體益生菌可以提升腸道健康、促進消化系統及增強免疫力。
臨床實證,選用英國 ProVen 益生菌孕婦配方,更有效減低嬰兒過敏體質的產生。
ProVen 益生菌孕婦配方是專為計劃懷孕的婦女,懷孕中和授乳期婦女配製而成的益生菌補充劑。
選用世界專利 Lab4b 益生菌配方,超過15多年的臨床實證,專利益生菌有以下功效 :
* 調理孕婦腸道不適(特別適合便秘、腹瀉及腸胃不適時使用)
* 提升孕婦腸道健康及免疫力
* 促進消化系統機能 (胃氣或肚脹問題)
* 改善敏感皮膚及適合妊娠濕敏症狀時使用
* 世界過敏學會(WAO)在2015年發表一項建議,懷孕及授乳期婦女可服用益生菌,減低患濕敏的機會率。
* 平衡私密處微生態及酸鹼值,減少感染不適
* 哺乳期間,可以保護乳腺及減輕不適
醫學文獻証明,大多數過敏問題都發生於 2 歲前,若幼兒在這段時間出現過敏皮膚,該幼兒於12歲或更早時期得到其他敏感的機率更會超越 50%。
Swansea Baby Trial 臨床結果顯示, 孕婦及初生嬰兒持續服用 PROVEN 益生菌6個月或以上, 嬰兒於2歲階段得到過敏性皮膚的風險可減少近六成; 對常見的過敏原,如花粉、塵蟎、牛奶、雞蛋、貓毛等過敏機率也減近一半。
總括而言, 母親的腸道健康與嬰兒的腸道健康有高度的相關性。因此, 在懷孕時維持良好的腸道環境 (有充足的 ProVen 益生菌) 對嬰兒腸道健康及免疫系統的正確發展絕對有正面幫助。
除了於懷孕期間服用,請於寶寶出生後,添加 ProVen Baby Probiotics 嬰兒配方於寶寶的飲食中,持續最少六個月。
Lab4b Probiotics 專利天然活性益生菌配方 100億 -
Bifidobacterium bifidum 比菲德氏菌 (CUL-20)
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis 雷特氏菌 (CUL-34)
Lactobacillus salivarius 唾液乳酸桿菌 (CUL-61)
Lactobacillus paracasei 副乾酪桿菌 (CUL-08)
Free from artificial flavours and preservatives
Founded and overseen by Dr. Nigel Plummer, Cultech is the only pharmaceutical-grade probiotic manufacturer in Europe.
ProVen probiotics are processed with patented technology to ensure active quality and do not require refrigeration after opening. Certified by the British MHRA Safety Authority.
Certified by the British MHRA - Swansea University School of Medicine has specially conducted clinical tests on "safety for pregnant women".
Evidence shows that the patented ProVen probiotics are very safe and suitable for pregnant women to take.
Provides the probiotics needed before, during and during pregnancy and lactation
ProVen Pregnancy Probiotics
Mood and hormonal changes during pregnancy, lack of exercise, and low-fiber eating habits may all be factors that lead to constipation. To promote intestinal health, you should drink enough water, eat more high-fiber foods (vegetables, fruits), and do light exercise to help intestinal peristalsis. In addition, it is scientifically proven that supplementing the body with probiotics can improve intestinal health, improve digestion and strengthen immunity.
Clinical evidence shows that the British ProVen probiotic formula for pregnant women is more effective in reducing the occurrence of allergies in infants.
ProVen Probiotic Pregnancy Formula is a probiotic supplement specially formulated for women who are planning to become pregnant, are pregnant, and are breastfeeding. Using the world-patented Lab4b probiotic formula, with more than 15 years of clinical evidence, the patented probiotics have the following effects:
pregnant woman
* Regulate the intestinal discomfort of pregnant women (especially suitable for constipation, diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort)
* Improve the intestinal health and immunity of pregnant women
* Promote the function of the digestive system (gas or bloating problems)
* Improve sensitive skin and suitable for use during pregnancy with moisture sensitivity
* The World Allergy Association (WAO) issued a recommendation in 2015 that pregnant and lactating women can take probiotics to reduce the chance of developing moisture sensitivity.
In addition, probiotics have the following benefits for women:
* Balance the microecology and pH value of the private parts, reducing infection and discomfort
* During breastfeeding, it can protect breast glands and relieve discomfort
*Optimizing the baby's immune system can also reduce the occurrence of allergies in the future.
Clinical results show that the risk of babies suffering from allergies, such as sensitive skin and nasal allergies, can be significantly reduced in the future.
Medical literature proves that most allergic problems occur before the age of 2. If a child develops allergic skin during this period, the chance that the child will develop other allergies at the age of 12 or earlier will exceed 50%.
Clinical results of Swansea Baby Trial show that if pregnant women and newborn babies continue to take PROVEN probiotics for 6 months or more, the risk of allergic skin in babies at the age of 2 can be reduced by nearly 60%; to common allergens such as pollen and dust mites The chance of allergies to milk, milk, eggs, cat hair, etc. is also reduced by nearly half.
This shows that it is very important to improve the anti-allergic constitution as early as possible.
In summary, the mother's gut health is highly correlated with the baby's gut health. Therefore, maintaining a good intestinal environment during pregnancy (with sufficient ProVen probiotics) will definitely have a positive impact on the baby's intestinal health and the correct development of the immune system.
Women planning pregnancy, pregnant and breastfeeding women :
Take one capsule once a day, preferably after meals for better results. If you have difficulty in defecation or gastrointestinal discomfort, you can increase the dosage to two pills per day.
Optimize your baby's immune system and reduce the chance of allergies:
In addition to taking it during pregnancy, please add ProVen Baby Probiotics to your baby's diet after birth for at least six months.
Main Ingredients
Lab4b Probiotics patented natural active probiotic formula 10 billion -
Bifidobacterium bifidum (CUL-20)
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. milk 雷特氏氏 (CUL-34)
Lactobacillus salivarius (CUL-61)
Lactobacillus paracasei (CUL-08)
Free from artificial flavors and preservatives
Original Price
由 Dr. Nigel Plummer 創立及監督的 Cultech 是歐洲唯一達到醫藥級水平的益生菌製造商。ProVen 益生菌經過專利技術處理,確保活性質素及開封後無須冷藏。英國 MHRA 安管局認証。
英國 MHRA 安管局認証 - 史雲斯大學醫學院特別進行 “孕婦安全性” 的臨床測試,實證顯示專利 ProVen 益生菌非常安全,確保適合孕婦服用。
ProVen Pregnancy Probiotics
懷孕期間的心情及荷爾蒙轉變、缺乏運動和低纖的飲食習慣,都可能是導致便秘的因素。要促進腸道健康,應多喝足夠水分、多進食高纖食物 (蔬菜、水果)及輕量運動,以幫助腸道蠕動。除此之外,科學証明補充身體益生菌可以提升腸道健康、促進消化系統及增強免疫力。
臨床實證,選用英國 ProVen 益生菌孕婦配方,更有效減低嬰兒過敏體質的產生。
ProVen 益生菌孕婦配方是專為計劃懷孕的婦女,懷孕中和授乳期婦女配製而成的益生菌補充劑。
選用世界專利 Lab4b 益生菌配方,超過15多年的臨床實證,專利益生菌有以下功效 :
* 調理孕婦腸道不適(特別適合便秘、腹瀉及腸胃不適時使用)
* 提升孕婦腸道健康及免疫力
* 促進消化系統機能 (胃氣或肚脹問題)
* 改善敏感皮膚及適合妊娠濕敏症狀時使用
* 世界過敏學會(WAO)在2015年發表一項建議,懷孕及授乳期婦女可服用益生菌,減低患濕敏的機會率。
* 平衡私密處微生態及酸鹼值,減少感染不適
* 哺乳期間,可以保護乳腺及減輕不適
醫學文獻証明,大多數過敏問題都發生於 2 歲前,若幼兒在這段時間出現過敏皮膚,該幼兒於12歲或更早時期得到其他敏感的機率更會超越 50%。
Swansea Baby Trial 臨床結果顯示, 孕婦及初生嬰兒持續服用 PROVEN 益生菌6個月或以上, 嬰兒於2歲階段得到過敏性皮膚的風險可減少近六成; 對常見的過敏原,如花粉、塵蟎、牛奶、雞蛋、貓毛等過敏機率也減近一半。
總括而言, 母親的腸道健康與嬰兒的腸道健康有高度的相關性。因此, 在懷孕時維持良好的腸道環境 (有充足的 ProVen 益生菌) 對嬰兒腸道健康及免疫系統的正確發展絕對有正面幫助。
除了於懷孕期間服用,請於寶寶出生後,添加 ProVen Baby Probiotics 嬰兒配方於寶寶的飲食中,持續最少六個月。
Lab4b Probiotics 專利天然活性益生菌配方 100億 -
Bifidobacterium bifidum 比菲德氏菌 (CUL-20)
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis 雷特氏菌 (CUL-34)
Lactobacillus salivarius 唾液乳酸桿菌 (CUL-61)
Lactobacillus paracasei 副乾酪桿菌 (CUL-08)
Free from artificial flavours and preservatives
Founded and overseen by Dr. Nigel Plummer, Cultech is the only pharmaceutical-grade probiotic manufacturer in Europe.
ProVen probiotics are processed with patented technology to ensure active quality and do not require refrigeration after opening. Certified by the British MHRA Safety Authority.
Certified by the British MHRA - Swansea University School of Medicine has specially conducted clinical tests on "safety for pregnant women".
Evidence shows that the patented ProVen probiotics are very safe and suitable for pregnant women to take.
Provides the probiotics needed before, during and during pregnancy and lactation
ProVen Pregnancy Probiotics
Mood and hormonal changes during pregnancy, lack of exercise, and low-fiber eating habits may all be factors that lead to constipation. To promote intestinal health, you should drink enough water, eat more high-fiber foods (vegetables, fruits), and do light exercise to help intestinal peristalsis. In addition, it is scientifically proven that supplementing the body with probiotics can improve intestinal health, improve digestion and strengthen immunity.
Clinical evidence shows that the British ProVen probiotic formula for pregnant women is more effective in reducing the occurrence of allergies in infants.
ProVen Probiotic Pregnancy Formula is a probiotic supplement specially formulated for women who are planning to become pregnant, are pregnant, and are breastfeeding. Using the world-patented Lab4b probiotic formula, with more than 15 years of clinical evidence, the patented probiotics have the following effects:
pregnant woman
* Regulate the intestinal discomfort of pregnant women (especially suitable for constipation, diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort)
* Improve the intestinal health and immunity of pregnant women
* Promote the function of the digestive system (gas or bloating problems)
* Improve sensitive skin and suitable for use during pregnancy with moisture sensitivity
* The World Allergy Association (WAO) issued a recommendation in 2015 that pregnant and lactating women can take probiotics to reduce the chance of developing moisture sensitivity.
In addition, probiotics have the following benefits for women:
* Balance the microecology and pH value of the private parts, reducing infection and discomfort
* During breastfeeding, it can protect breast glands and relieve discomfort
*Optimizing the baby's immune system can also reduce the occurrence of allergies in the future.
Clinical results show that the risk of babies suffering from allergies, such as sensitive skin and nasal allergies, can be significantly reduced in the future.
Medical literature proves that most allergic problems occur before the age of 2. If a child develops allergic skin during this period, the chance that the child will develop other allergies at the age of 12 or earlier will exceed 50%.
Clinical results of Swansea Baby Trial show that if pregnant women and newborn babies continue to take PROVEN probiotics for 6 months or more, the risk of allergic skin in babies at the age of 2 can be reduced by nearly 60%; to common allergens such as pollen and dust mites The chance of allergies to milk, milk, eggs, cat hair, etc. is also reduced by nearly half.
This shows that it is very important to improve the anti-allergic constitution as early as possible.
In summary, the mother's gut health is highly correlated with the baby's gut health. Therefore, maintaining a good intestinal environment during pregnancy (with sufficient ProVen probiotics) will definitely have a positive impact on the baby's intestinal health and the correct development of the immune system.
Women planning pregnancy, pregnant and breastfeeding women :
Take one capsule once a day, preferably after meals for better results. If you have difficulty in defecation or gastrointestinal discomfort, you can increase the dosage to two pills per day.
Optimize your baby's immune system and reduce the chance of allergies:
In addition to taking it during pregnancy, please add ProVen Baby Probiotics to your baby's diet after birth for at least six months.
Main Ingredients
Lab4b Probiotics patented natural active probiotic formula 10 billion -
Bifidobacterium bifidum (CUL-20)
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. milk 雷特氏氏 (CUL-34)
Lactobacillus salivarius (CUL-61)
Lactobacillus paracasei (CUL-08)
Free from artificial flavors and preservatives