125億顆獨特益生菌,針對兒童敏感腸道系統。增強免疫力,預防皮膚過敏,改善消化系統 和吸附能力
• 125 億個獨特的Lab4 嗜酸菌和雙歧桿菌友善細菌與維生素 C的組合為兒童的整體健康提供支持,更具體地說,有助於維持免疫功能。
• 促進 腸胃 蠕動 ,舒緩便秘
• 改善消化系統,舒緩偏食
• 增強腸道健康以改善吸收
• 不添加人工色素、香料或防腐劑。
ProVenFit for School 用於 ProChild 研究,研究進行了六個月,參加 Fitfor School 的孩子因咳嗽、感冒和其他上呼吸道感染 (URTI) 缺課的情況減少了 30%。研究還發現,服用 Fit forSchool 的兒童咳嗽和感冒的持續時間減少了一半,就診次數也減少了 43%,因此抗生素處方也減少了 43%。
- Cultech由Nigel Plummer博士創建,是 唯一 達到 英國製藥水平的益生菌製造商。
- 專利技術製造的ProVen益生菌產品保證了常溫 下益生菌的數量和活性 。
作為食品補充劑,每天隨食物服用一包 。將整袋倒入冷飲中,撒上麥片或優格或直接倒入入口。
補充成分(每 1 片咀嚼片含有):
維生素C 50mg 63%
嗜酸乳桿菌 (CUL60) *
嗜酸乳桿菌 (CUL21) *
雙歧桿菌 (CUL20) *
動物雙歧桿菌亞種 p.乳酸 (CUL34)*
維生素C 50毫克
維生素D3 5ug
益生元低聚果糖 (FOS) 1000 毫克 *
12.5billion of the unique Probiotics for sensitive intestinal system of children. Enhance immunity, defend against skin allergy, improve digestive system and adsorption
• The combination of 12.5 billion of the unique Lab4 Acidophilus and Bifidus friendly bacteria with vitamin C provides support for a child's general health and more specifically helps maintain immune function.
• Inhibition of intestinal damage breeding, decomposition of toxins (healthy intestinal should contain at least 85% beneficial bacteria)
• Promote gastroenteritis peristalsis to soothe constipation
• Improve digestive system and soothe partial eclipse
• Enhance intestinal health to improve absorption
• No added artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
ProVenFit for School was used in theProChild study, which took place over six months and those children taking Fitfor School saw a 30% reduction in absentee from school due to coughs, coldsand other upper respiratory tract infections(URTIs). The study also found thatthe duration of coughs and colds was halved in the children taking Fit forSchool and visits to the doctor and consequently prescription for antibioticswas reduced by 43%.
- Cultech, created by Dr.Nigel Plummer, is the ONLY probiotic manufacturer reached British pharmaceutical level.
- ProVen probiotics products manufactured by patent technology ensure the quantities and activity of probiotics under room temperature.
Recommended Daily Intake:
As a food supplement take one stick pack daily with food. Pour the whole sachet into a cold drink, sprinkle on cereal or yogurt or pour directly into the mouth.
Supplement Facts (Per 1 Chewable Tablet contains):
VitaminC 50mg 63%
Lactobacillusacidophilus (CUL60) *
Lactobacillusacidophilus (CUL21) *
Bifidobacteriumbifidum (CUL20) *
Bifidobacteriumanimalis subs p. lactis (CUL34)*
(Containing 12.5 billion viable cells)
Vitamin C 50mg
Vitamin D3 5ug
PrebioticFructooligosaccharides (FOS) 1000mg *
Free from artificial flavours and preservatives
Country of Origin: UK
Original Price
125億顆獨特益生菌,針對兒童敏感腸道系統。增強免疫力,預防皮膚過敏,改善消化系統 和吸附能力
• 125 億個獨特的Lab4 嗜酸菌和雙歧桿菌友善細菌與維生素 C的組合為兒童的整體健康提供支持,更具體地說,有助於維持免疫功能。
• 促進 腸胃 蠕動 ,舒緩便秘
• 改善消化系統,舒緩偏食
• 增強腸道健康以改善吸收
• 不添加人工色素、香料或防腐劑。
ProVenFit for School 用於 ProChild 研究,研究進行了六個月,參加 Fitfor School 的孩子因咳嗽、感冒和其他上呼吸道感染 (URTI) 缺課的情況減少了 30%。研究還發現,服用 Fit forSchool 的兒童咳嗽和感冒的持續時間減少了一半,就診次數也減少了 43%,因此抗生素處方也減少了 43%。
- Cultech由Nigel Plummer博士創建,是 唯一 達到 英國製藥水平的益生菌製造商。
- 專利技術製造的ProVen益生菌產品保證了常溫 下益生菌的數量和活性 。
作為食品補充劑,每天隨食物服用一包 。將整袋倒入冷飲中,撒上麥片或優格或直接倒入入口。
補充成分(每 1 片咀嚼片含有):
維生素C 50mg 63%
嗜酸乳桿菌 (CUL60) *
嗜酸乳桿菌 (CUL21) *
雙歧桿菌 (CUL20) *
動物雙歧桿菌亞種 p.乳酸 (CUL34)*
維生素C 50毫克
維生素D3 5ug
益生元低聚果糖 (FOS) 1000 毫克 *
12.5billion of the unique Probiotics for sensitive intestinal system of children. Enhance immunity, defend against skin allergy, improve digestive system and adsorption
• The combination of 12.5 billion of the unique Lab4 Acidophilus and Bifidus friendly bacteria with vitamin C provides support for a child's general health and more specifically helps maintain immune function.
• Inhibition of intestinal damage breeding, decomposition of toxins (healthy intestinal should contain at least 85% beneficial bacteria)
• Promote gastroenteritis peristalsis to soothe constipation
• Improve digestive system and soothe partial eclipse
• Enhance intestinal health to improve absorption
• No added artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
ProVenFit for School was used in theProChild study, which took place over six months and those children taking Fitfor School saw a 30% reduction in absentee from school due to coughs, coldsand other upper respiratory tract infections(URTIs). The study also found thatthe duration of coughs and colds was halved in the children taking Fit forSchool and visits to the doctor and consequently prescription for antibioticswas reduced by 43%.
- Cultech, created by Dr.Nigel Plummer, is the ONLY probiotic manufacturer reached British pharmaceutical level.
- ProVen probiotics products manufactured by patent technology ensure the quantities and activity of probiotics under room temperature.
Recommended Daily Intake:
As a food supplement take one stick pack daily with food. Pour the whole sachet into a cold drink, sprinkle on cereal or yogurt or pour directly into the mouth.
Supplement Facts (Per 1 Chewable Tablet contains):
VitaminC 50mg 63%
Lactobacillusacidophilus (CUL60) *
Lactobacillusacidophilus (CUL21) *
Bifidobacteriumbifidum (CUL20) *
Bifidobacteriumanimalis subs p. lactis (CUL34)*
(Containing 12.5 billion viable cells)
Vitamin C 50mg
Vitamin D3 5ug
PrebioticFructooligosaccharides (FOS) 1000mg *
Free from artificial flavours and preservatives
Country of Origin: UK