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ProVen® Probiotics For Women + Cranberry 3600
為什麼會出現灼痛、痕癢、異味等私密症狀 ?
維持弱酸性 (pH 3.8-4.5) 的私密部位,可以強化「私密益菌保護屏障」,對抗惡菌攻擊。可是,女性生活繁忙,壓力大,加上潮濕環境等內外因素,私密酸性環境受到破壞導致「私密細菌生態」失衡,益菌數目減少,惡菌繁殖,以致出現“灼痛”、“痕癢”及“異味”等不適症狀。
主要的惡菌是念珠菌及大腸杆菌 :
英國 PROVEN® 女士專用益生菌 + 蔓越莓 3600 - 是專為女性而設的益生菌配方,有效提升腸道及私密處的防禦能力。
選用 Lab4® 益生菌配方,加上針對私密症狀的加氏乳酸菌 (Lactobacillus gasseri) 及具抗菌與淨化能力的蔓越莓(小紅莓)萃取物,有以下功效:
• 穩定私密處酸鹼值,減少私處敏感痕癢、灼痛、異味等不適。
• 抑制壞菌黏附於私密處。
• 有助抑制惡菌入侵與增生,緩和刺痛、痕癢及保持健康。
• 加入維他命B6,與益生菌產生協同效應,改善經期前的綜合症狀,例如週期性的痘痘問題及穩定情緒。
• 舒緩排便不順及腸胃不適。
• 改善腸胃敏感及過敏體質。
由 Dr. Nigel Plummer 創立及監督的 Cultech 是歐洲唯一達到醫藥級水平的益生菌製造商。ProVen 益生菌經過專利技術處理,確保活性質素及開封後無須冷藏。英國 MHRA 安管局認証。
• 紓解不適狀況:每日兩粒
• 預防不適及保健作用:每日一粒
* 飽肚服用效果更佳。
Lab4 Probiotic Consortium 專利天然活性益生菌配方 :
Lactobacillus acidophilus 嗜酸乳桿菌 CUL60 & CUL21
Lactobacillus gasseri 加氏乳桿菌 CUL09
Bifidobacterium bifidum 雙歧桿菌 CUL34
Bifidobacterium bifidum 兩歧雙歧桿菌 CUL20
Cranberry extract 蔓越莓
Vitamin 維生素 B6
* 不含任何人造添加香料或防腐劑。
Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives
* 不含麩質及奶類製品
Free of gluten and dairy-free
* 全素食者適用
Suitable for vegans
Probiotic formula specially designed for women
ProVen® Probiotics For Women + Cranberry 3600
Why do private symptoms such as burning, itching, and odor occur?
Maintaining a weakly acidic (pH 3.8-4.5) private area can strengthen the "protective barrier of private beneficial bacteria" to resist attacks by bad bacteria. However, women have busy lives, high pressure, and internal and external factors such as a humid environment. The acidic private environment is destroyed, leading to an imbalance in the "private bacterial ecology". The number of good bacteria is reduced, and bad bacteria multiply, resulting in "burning" and "itching". and "odour" and other uncomfortable symptoms.
The main harmful bacteria are Candida and E. coli:
1. Candida albicans is the most common fungus, and hot and humid environments are conducive to its growth. When Candida albicans reproduces in large numbers, common private symptoms such as "itching" and "foul odor" will occur.
2. E. coli will adhere to the inner wall of the private parts, causing "frequent", "urgent" and "painful" discomfort, making girls miserable.
British PROVEN® Probiotics for Women + Cranberry 3600 - is a probiotic formula specially designed for women, which can effectively improve the defense capabilities of the intestinal tract and private parts.
Using Lab4® probiotic formula, plus Lactobacillus gasseri for intimate symptoms and cranberry extract with antibacterial and purifying capabilities, it has the following effects:
• Stabilize the pH value of private parts and reduce discomfort such as sensitive itching, burning, and odor in private parts.
• Inhibit bad bacteria from adhering to private parts.
• Helps inhibit the invasion and proliferation of harmful bacteria, relieve stinging, itching and maintain health.
• Added vitamin B6 to create a synergistic effect with probiotics to improve premenstrual symptoms, such as periodic acne problems and stabilize mood.
• Relieve irregular bowel movements and gastrointestinal discomfort.
• Improve gastrointestinal sensitivity and allergies.
Safe and reliable
Founded and overseen by Dr. Nigel Plummer, Cultech is the only pharmaceutical-grade probiotic manufacturer in Europe.
ProVen probiotics are processed with patented technology to ensure active quality and do not require refrigeration after opening.
Certified by the British MHRA Safety Authority.
Recommended usage
• Relieve discomfort: two capsules daily
• Prevent discomfort and health care: one capsule daily
* The effect is better when taken on a full stomach.
Main Ingredients
Lab4 Probiotic Consortium patented natural active probiotic formula:
Lactobacillus acidophilus CUL60 & CUL21
Lactobacillus gasseri CUL09
Bifidobacterium bifidum CUL34
Bifidobacterium bifidum CUL20
Cranberry extract
Vitamin B6
* Does not contain any artificial added flavors or preservatives.
Free from artificial colours, flavors and preservatives
Free of gluten and dairy-free
* Suitable
for vegans
Original Price
買 2 送 1
ProVen® Probiotics For Women + Cranberry 3600
為什麼會出現灼痛、痕癢、異味等私密症狀 ?
維持弱酸性 (pH 3.8-4.5) 的私密部位,可以強化「私密益菌保護屏障」,對抗惡菌攻擊。可是,女性生活繁忙,壓力大,加上潮濕環境等內外因素,私密酸性環境受到破壞導致「私密細菌生態」失衡,益菌數目減少,惡菌繁殖,以致出現“灼痛”、“痕癢”及“異味”等不適症狀。
主要的惡菌是念珠菌及大腸杆菌 :
英國 PROVEN® 女士專用益生菌 + 蔓越莓 3600 - 是專為女性而設的益生菌配方,有效提升腸道及私密處的防禦能力。
選用 Lab4® 益生菌配方,加上針對私密症狀的加氏乳酸菌 (Lactobacillus gasseri) 及具抗菌與淨化能力的蔓越莓(小紅莓)萃取物,有以下功效:
• 穩定私密處酸鹼值,減少私處敏感痕癢、灼痛、異味等不適。
• 抑制壞菌黏附於私密處。
• 有助抑制惡菌入侵與增生,緩和刺痛、痕癢及保持健康。
• 加入維他命B6,與益生菌產生協同效應,改善經期前的綜合症狀,例如週期性的痘痘問題及穩定情緒。
• 舒緩排便不順及腸胃不適。
• 改善腸胃敏感及過敏體質。
由 Dr. Nigel Plummer 創立及監督的 Cultech 是歐洲唯一達到醫藥級水平的益生菌製造商。ProVen 益生菌經過專利技術處理,確保活性質素及開封後無須冷藏。英國 MHRA 安管局認証。
• 紓解不適狀況:每日兩粒
• 預防不適及保健作用:每日一粒
* 飽肚服用效果更佳。
Lab4 Probiotic Consortium 專利天然活性益生菌配方 :
Lactobacillus acidophilus 嗜酸乳桿菌 CUL60 & CUL21
Lactobacillus gasseri 加氏乳桿菌 CUL09
Bifidobacterium bifidum 雙歧桿菌 CUL34
Bifidobacterium bifidum 兩歧雙歧桿菌 CUL20
Cranberry extract 蔓越莓
Vitamin 維生素 B6
* 不含任何人造添加香料或防腐劑。
Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives
* 不含麩質及奶類製品
Free of gluten and dairy-free
* 全素食者適用
Suitable for vegans
Probiotic formula specially designed for women
ProVen® Probiotics For Women + Cranberry 3600
Why do private symptoms such as burning, itching, and odor occur?
Maintaining a weakly acidic (pH 3.8-4.5) private area can strengthen the "protective barrier of private beneficial bacteria" to resist attacks by bad bacteria. However, women have busy lives, high pressure, and internal and external factors such as a humid environment. The acidic private environment is destroyed, leading to an imbalance in the "private bacterial ecology". The number of good bacteria is reduced, and bad bacteria multiply, resulting in "burning" and "itching". and "odour" and other uncomfortable symptoms.
The main harmful bacteria are Candida and E. coli:
1. Candida albicans is the most common fungus, and hot and humid environments are conducive to its growth. When Candida albicans reproduces in large numbers, common private symptoms such as "itching" and "foul odor" will occur.
2. E. coli will adhere to the inner wall of the private parts, causing "frequent", "urgent" and "painful" discomfort, making girls miserable.
British PROVEN® Probiotics for Women + Cranberry 3600 - is a probiotic formula specially designed for women, which can effectively improve the defense capabilities of the intestinal tract and private parts.
Using Lab4® probiotic formula, plus Lactobacillus gasseri for intimate symptoms and cranberry extract with antibacterial and purifying capabilities, it has the following effects:
• Stabilize the pH value of private parts and reduce discomfort such as sensitive itching, burning, and odor in private parts.
• Inhibit bad bacteria from adhering to private parts.
• Helps inhibit the invasion and proliferation of harmful bacteria, relieve stinging, itching and maintain health.
• Added vitamin B6 to create a synergistic effect with probiotics to improve premenstrual symptoms, such as periodic acne problems and stabilize mood.
• Relieve irregular bowel movements and gastrointestinal discomfort.
• Improve gastrointestinal sensitivity and allergies.
Safe and reliable
Founded and overseen by Dr. Nigel Plummer, Cultech is the only pharmaceutical-grade probiotic manufacturer in Europe.
ProVen probiotics are processed with patented technology to ensure active quality and do not require refrigeration after opening.
Certified by the British MHRA Safety Authority.
Recommended usage
• Relieve discomfort: two capsules daily
• Prevent discomfort and health care: one capsule daily
* The effect is better when taken on a full stomach.
Main Ingredients
Lab4 Probiotic Consortium patented natural active probiotic formula:
Lactobacillus acidophilus CUL60 & CUL21
Lactobacillus gasseri CUL09
Bifidobacterium bifidum CUL34
Bifidobacterium bifidum CUL20
Cranberry extract
Vitamin B6
* Does not contain any artificial added flavors or preservatives.
Free from artificial colours, flavors and preservatives
Free of gluten and dairy-free
* Suitable
for vegans