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Home > For Mummy > Breastfeeding related breast pads, nursing pads, nursing bras > Youha Youha優合 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器
YOUHA 優合 - 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器
YOUHA 優合 - 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器
YOUHA 優合 - 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器
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YOUHA 優合 - 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器
YOUHA 優合 - 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器
YOUHA 優合 - 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器
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These Breast Milk Collection Shells are super handy, particularly for the early days. They are multi-purpose which we all love! They are the perfect breast pad alternative for moms who want to save every golden drop of milk. Moms can wear  it to catch your let down while feeding your baby on the other side. They are also handy to air your nipples between feeds or pumping sessions.



The Youha 3 in 1 Breast Milk Collection Shells fit comfortably in your bra. 

1. Collect precious breast milk when breastfeeding or expressing on the other side

2. Use instead of breast pads

3. Let your nipples air between feeds


In the box

2 milk collectors


Free of BPA, BPS, Phthalates and PVC


YouhaYouha優合 3合1多用途集奶罩/護乳器/盛乳器


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These Breast Milk Collection Shells are super handy, particularly for the early days. They are multi-purpose which we all love! They are the perfect breast pad alternative for moms who want to save every golden drop of milk. Moms can wear  it to catch your let down while feeding your baby on the other side. They are also handy to air your nipples between feeds or pumping sessions.



The Youha 3 in 1 Breast Milk Collection Shells fit comfortably in your bra. 

1. Collect precious breast milk when breastfeeding or expressing on the other side

2. Use instead of breast pads

3. Let your nipples air between feeds


In the box

2 milk collectors


Free of BPA, BPS, Phthalates and PVC


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