維生素 D 對健康的骨骼、正常的肌肉功能和機體抵抗系統幫助非常重要,尤其是對成長中的孩子!
現在,僅需一滴 Ddrops® 幫助劑,即可幫助您的小寶貝健康成長和發育。
Ddrops® 幫助劑由含兩種天然成分的與眾不同混合物制成,即分餾椰子油和全維生素 D3,提供每日推薦的 600 IU 維生素 D,無防腐劑、不添加香料、色素或人工填充劑,無 8 種主要致敏原。
- 有機
- 只需一滴®,即可攝入滿滿陽光維生素
- 美國媽媽精選獎 - 優秀獎獲獎得主
- 每滴 600 國際單位
- 保持健康和機體抵抗功能的因素
- 膳食補充劑
- 100 滴
- 歐洲滴管™ 科技
- NSF 成分認可
- USDA 有機認可
- Non-GMO 項目驗證
- 有機認可:世界水準保證
1 歲以上兒童,每日 1 滴,或遵醫囑。可以放到食物上,添加到飲品中,或用勺子等餐具吃。
將瓶子直立放置,並放在 40℉ 至 85℉ 環境下。放在兒童接觸不到的地方。如果瓶子上的安心密封破損,請勿使用。
Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, normal muscle function and immune system support, especially for growing kids!
Now you can support your little one's healthy growth and development in just one drop with Ddrops® Booster.
Made with a patented blend of two naturally sourced ingredients, fractionated coconut oil and pure vitamin D3, Ddrops® Booster provides the daily recommended 600 IU of vitamin D without preservatives, added flavors, colors or artificial fillers and is free from the top 8 major allergens.
- Organic
- The Sunshine Vitamin in Just One Drop®
- Mom's Choice Awards Honoring Excellence
- 600 IU Per Drop
- A Factor in the Maintenance of Good Health and Immune Function
- Dietary Supplement
- 100 Drops
- Euro Dropper™ Technology
- Contents Certified NSF
- USDA Organic
- Non GMO Project Verified
- Certified Organic by: Quality Assurance International
Suggested use
Children over 1 year Take 1 drop daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. May be put on food, added to a drink or licked from a clean surface such as a spoon.
Other ingredients
Organic fractionated coconut oil.
Does not contain: Corn, casein, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulphites, wheat, yeast,preservatives, artificial coloring or artificial flavors.
Store bottle upright and between 40°F and 85°F. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if security seal on bottle is broken.
Original Price
維生素 D 對健康的骨骼、正常的肌肉功能和機體抵抗系統幫助非常重要,尤其是對成長中的孩子!
現在,僅需一滴 Ddrops® 幫助劑,即可幫助您的小寶貝健康成長和發育。
Ddrops® 幫助劑由含兩種天然成分的與眾不同混合物制成,即分餾椰子油和全維生素 D3,提供每日推薦的 600 IU 維生素 D,無防腐劑、不添加香料、色素或人工填充劑,無 8 種主要致敏原。
- 有機
- 只需一滴®,即可攝入滿滿陽光維生素
- 美國媽媽精選獎 - 優秀獎獲獎得主
- 每滴 600 國際單位
- 保持健康和機體抵抗功能的因素
- 膳食補充劑
- 100 滴
- 歐洲滴管™ 科技
- NSF 成分認可
- USDA 有機認可
- Non-GMO 項目驗證
- 有機認可:世界水準保證
1 歲以上兒童,每日 1 滴,或遵醫囑。可以放到食物上,添加到飲品中,或用勺子等餐具吃。
將瓶子直立放置,並放在 40℉ 至 85℉ 環境下。放在兒童接觸不到的地方。如果瓶子上的安心密封破損,請勿使用。
Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, normal muscle function and immune system support, especially for growing kids!
Now you can support your little one's healthy growth and development in just one drop with Ddrops® Booster.
Made with a patented blend of two naturally sourced ingredients, fractionated coconut oil and pure vitamin D3, Ddrops® Booster provides the daily recommended 600 IU of vitamin D without preservatives, added flavors, colors or artificial fillers and is free from the top 8 major allergens.
- Organic
- The Sunshine Vitamin in Just One Drop®
- Mom's Choice Awards Honoring Excellence
- 600 IU Per Drop
- A Factor in the Maintenance of Good Health and Immune Function
- Dietary Supplement
- 100 Drops
- Euro Dropper™ Technology
- Contents Certified NSF
- USDA Organic
- Non GMO Project Verified
- Certified Organic by: Quality Assurance International
Suggested use
Children over 1 year Take 1 drop daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. May be put on food, added to a drink or licked from a clean surface such as a spoon.
Other ingredients
Organic fractionated coconut oil.
Does not contain: Corn, casein, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulphites, wheat, yeast,preservatives, artificial coloring or artificial flavors.
Store bottle upright and between 40°F and 85°F. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if security seal on bottle is broken.