Nature's Way Kid's Smart Bursts 鈣 + 維生素 D 是一種有趣、簡單且美味的方式,可幫助孩子獲得每天健康成長和發育所需的鈣。
鈣被稱為“骨骼構建營養素”,在兒童和青春期尤其重要,因為骨骼仍在生長。維生素 D3 對於鈣的吸收很重要,如果減少陽光照射,維生素 D3 也至關重要。
兒童時期鈣的好處包括: 對骨骼生長和健康發育的重要性。 99%的鈣儲存在骨骼和牙齒中。
膽鈣化醇(維生素 D3 300IU)7.5mcg
3 至 8 歲兒童: 每天服用 1 粒軟膠囊,如下圖所示。
9 歲以上兒童: 每天 2 粒軟膠囊。或按照您的醫療保健專業人員的建議。
Nature's Way 兒童智能鈣+維生素 D3 具有美味的草莓奶昔味道,可以透過兩種簡單的方式服用:
- Pop & Squirt:( 建議 3-5 歲兒童使用)在膠囊上刺一個孔,然後擠入孩子的嘴里或他們最喜歡的食物上。
- 咀嚼和破裂: 將咀嚼膠囊直接放入口中並咀嚼。整個膠囊可以安全食用。
- 儲存於 25°C 以下。
- 防潮。
- 若防篡改密封破損或遺失,請勿使用。
- 每個膠囊均封裝在牛(牛肉)明膠中,不適合純素食者和素食者。
- 含有大豆製品。
Nature's Way Kid's Smart Bursts Calcium + Vitamin D is the fun, easy and delicious way to help kids get the calcium they need each day for healthy growth and development.
Calcium, best known as a ‘bone-building nutrient’, is particularly important during childhood and adolescence, as the skeleton is still growing. Vitamin D3 is important for calcium absorption and critical if sun exposure has been reduced.
The benefits of calcium during childhood include: Importance to skeletal growth and healthy development. 99% of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth.
Playing a key role in building strong, healthy teeth. Supporting a healthy nervous system and muscle function. Dairy & Lactose Free.
Active ingredients:
Each soft capsule contains:
Calcium (as calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous) 200mg
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3 300IU) 7.5mcg
Phosphorus (as calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous) 154mg
No artificial colours or flavours.
No added yeast, dairy, wheat or gluten.
Children from 3 to 8 years: Give 1 soft capsule per day, as directed below.
Children 9 years and over: Give 2 soft capsules per day. Or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Nature’s Way Kids Smart Calcium + Vitamin D3 has a delicious strawberry milkshake flavour and can be taken in two easy ways:
- Pop & Squirt: (recommended for children 3-5 years) puncture a hole in the capsule and squeeze into your child’s mouth or onto their favourite food.
- Chew & Burst: place the chewable capsule directly into the mouth and chew. The entire capsule is safe to be eaten.
Contraindications and cautions:
- Store below 25°C.
- Protect from moisture.
- Do not use if tamper evident seal is broken or missing.
- Each capsule is encapsulated in a bovine (beef) gelatin and is not suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.
- Contains soya bean products.
Always read the label and use only as directed. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
Original Price
Nature's Way Kid's Smart Bursts 鈣 + 維生素 D 是一種有趣、簡單且美味的方式,可幫助孩子獲得每天健康成長和發育所需的鈣。
鈣被稱為“骨骼構建營養素”,在兒童和青春期尤其重要,因為骨骼仍在生長。維生素 D3 對於鈣的吸收很重要,如果減少陽光照射,維生素 D3 也至關重要。
兒童時期鈣的好處包括: 對骨骼生長和健康發育的重要性。 99%的鈣儲存在骨骼和牙齒中。
膽鈣化醇(維生素 D3 300IU)7.5mcg
3 至 8 歲兒童: 每天服用 1 粒軟膠囊,如下圖所示。
9 歲以上兒童: 每天 2 粒軟膠囊。或按照您的醫療保健專業人員的建議。
Nature's Way 兒童智能鈣+維生素 D3 具有美味的草莓奶昔味道,可以透過兩種簡單的方式服用:
- Pop & Squirt:( 建議 3-5 歲兒童使用)在膠囊上刺一個孔,然後擠入孩子的嘴里或他們最喜歡的食物上。
- 咀嚼和破裂: 將咀嚼膠囊直接放入口中並咀嚼。整個膠囊可以安全食用。
- 儲存於 25°C 以下。
- 防潮。
- 若防篡改密封破損或遺失,請勿使用。
- 每個膠囊均封裝在牛(牛肉)明膠中,不適合純素食者和素食者。
- 含有大豆製品。
Nature's Way Kid's Smart Bursts Calcium + Vitamin D is the fun, easy and delicious way to help kids get the calcium they need each day for healthy growth and development.
Calcium, best known as a ‘bone-building nutrient’, is particularly important during childhood and adolescence, as the skeleton is still growing. Vitamin D3 is important for calcium absorption and critical if sun exposure has been reduced.
The benefits of calcium during childhood include: Importance to skeletal growth and healthy development. 99% of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth.
Playing a key role in building strong, healthy teeth. Supporting a healthy nervous system and muscle function. Dairy & Lactose Free.
Active ingredients:
Each soft capsule contains:
Calcium (as calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous) 200mg
Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3 300IU) 7.5mcg
Phosphorus (as calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous) 154mg
No artificial colours or flavours.
No added yeast, dairy, wheat or gluten.
Children from 3 to 8 years: Give 1 soft capsule per day, as directed below.
Children 9 years and over: Give 2 soft capsules per day. Or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Nature’s Way Kids Smart Calcium + Vitamin D3 has a delicious strawberry milkshake flavour and can be taken in two easy ways:
- Pop & Squirt: (recommended for children 3-5 years) puncture a hole in the capsule and squeeze into your child’s mouth or onto their favourite food.
- Chew & Burst: place the chewable capsule directly into the mouth and chew. The entire capsule is safe to be eaten.
Contraindications and cautions:
- Store below 25°C.
- Protect from moisture.
- Do not use if tamper evident seal is broken or missing.
- Each capsule is encapsulated in a bovine (beef) gelatin and is not suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.
- Contains soya bean products.
Always read the label and use only as directed. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.