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Home > Supplement > Supplements for pregnant women > Bio Island 澳洲 BIO ISLAND 海藻油DHA 孕婦孕期備孕專用 60粒(孕婦食用)
澳洲 BIO ISLAND 海藻油DHA 孕婦孕期備孕專用 60粒(孕婦食用)
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澳洲 BIO ISLAND 海藻油DHA 孕婦孕期備孕專用 60粒(孕婦食用)
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每粒膠囊均含有 DHA(一種 omega 3 脂肪酸)的天然藻類來源。母親從飲食中攝取 DHA 有助於支持胎兒大腦的健康發育和中樞神經系統功能。

Bio island 妊娠期 DHA 有助於支持健康妊娠和孕產婦健康。在澳洲製造,適合孕前、懷孕和哺乳,採用易於吞嚥的迷你軟膠囊。


  • 來自微藻裂殖壺菌屬的富含二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA) 的油  525毫克
  • 相當於二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA)  210毫克




想要懷孕的女性以及懷孕 0-10 週的孕婦;

每天服用 1 粒膠囊,或按照您的醫療保健專業人員的指示服用。


每天服用 2-3 粒膠囊,或依照醫療保健專業人員的指示服用。




Each capsule contains a natural algae source of DHA, an omega 3 fatty acid. Maternal dietary intake of DHA helps support healthy foetal brain development and central nervous system function.

Bio island DHA for pregnancy helps support a healthy pregnancy and maternal health. Made in Australia and is suitable for preconception, pregnancy and breastfeeding, with easy to swallow mini softgel capsules.

Each capsule contains Key ingredients

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich oil derived from microalgae Schizochytrium species  525mg
  • Equiv to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)  210mg

Contains sulfites. Nutritional supplements can only be of assistance if the dietary intake is inadequate. Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester. If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, talk to your healthcare practitioner.

Directions for Use

Women trying to conceive and pregnant women between 0-10 weeks in their pregnancy;

take 1 capsule daily, or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Pregnant women between 10-36 weeks and above and breastfeeding mothers

take 2-3 capsules daily, or as directed by your healthcare professional.

STORE: below 30°C in a dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.

Please take with meal.

Bio Island澳洲 BIO ISLAND 海藻油DHA 孕婦孕期備孕專用 60粒(孕婦食用)


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每粒膠囊均含有 DHA(一種 omega 3 脂肪酸)的天然藻類來源。母親從飲食中攝取 DHA 有助於支持胎兒大腦的健康發育和中樞神經系統功能。

Bio island 妊娠期 DHA 有助於支持健康妊娠和孕產婦健康。在澳洲製造,適合孕前、懷孕和哺乳,採用易於吞嚥的迷你軟膠囊。


  • 來自微藻裂殖壺菌屬的富含二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA) 的油  525毫克
  • 相當於二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA)  210毫克




想要懷孕的女性以及懷孕 0-10 週的孕婦;

每天服用 1 粒膠囊,或按照您的醫療保健專業人員的指示服用。


每天服用 2-3 粒膠囊,或依照醫療保健專業人員的指示服用。




Each capsule contains a natural algae source of DHA, an omega 3 fatty acid. Maternal dietary intake of DHA helps support healthy foetal brain development and central nervous system function.

Bio island DHA for pregnancy helps support a healthy pregnancy and maternal health. Made in Australia and is suitable for preconception, pregnancy and breastfeeding, with easy to swallow mini softgel capsules.

Each capsule contains Key ingredients

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich oil derived from microalgae Schizochytrium species  525mg
  • Equiv to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)  210mg

Contains sulfites. Nutritional supplements can only be of assistance if the dietary intake is inadequate. Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester. If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, talk to your healthcare practitioner.

Directions for Use

Women trying to conceive and pregnant women between 0-10 weeks in their pregnancy;

take 1 capsule daily, or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Pregnant women between 10-36 weeks and above and breastfeeding mothers

take 2-3 capsules daily, or as directed by your healthcare professional.

STORE: below 30°C in a dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.

Please take with meal.

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